Journey of the Emperor Coming to Kickstarter

The Journey is About to Begin –

It is finally time to let Journey of the Emperor loose and into the wild so that it can take its own unique journey. Very early in 2020 (date not yet 100% nailed down) Laboratory H will be launching the Kickstarter for this beautiful, accessible and surprisingly deep card game. 

If you don’t know about it yet, Journey of the Emperor is a deceptively easy card game where all you have to do is lay out two or more paths for the Emperor and his entourage to follow during the Qingming Festival. The player that creates the paths most in line with the Emperor’s shifting tastes will be considered the greatest assistant in all the land. Those that fail will be left to ponder their failures until the next festival. 

Each turn players will have to build on the paths previously laid down. Of course the Emperor wants to see the celestial animals that will bring both him and the land great bounty. But is this the year the dragon is in favor, or the tiger? Perhaps the vermilion bird is rising in popularity or even the sea turtle. To make your job harder the emperor is constantly changing the favored colors and floral decorations. Should the yellow lanterns be hung, or the green? Is the lotus his new favorite flower, or is that the one he is allergic to and should be hidden away? 

After just eight turns of card play, players determine, based on path scoring and their adherence to the emperor’s favorites, who has made the most grandiose and attractive festival experience for the Emperor.

Journey of the Emperor is for two to four players and takes roughly 30 minutes or less to play. 

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