Lab Techs Program

Please consult the MSDS if you spill any meeples.

Do you want to do a little more for the Laboratory than just play games? We need a number of Lab Techs willing to help us with various tasks such as doing real world study by joining us at conventions to demo the games or help in the booth. We also need Language Techs, or editors, in the lab to help us proof our rules and components. Jeff has the most bizarre grasp on the written word and could use some help in this area.

We plan to be busy in the Laboratory for quite a while and we will need some more Artistic Techs to help Jonathan out. We need fine artists and skilled graphic artists to help take our games from ideas to reality. Let’s face it if you think Jeff’s syntax is odd, you should see him draw. He really needs some help, as I’m sure the Test Subjects can attest.