The Elves

Dark Domains: A History, Chapter Nine –

Above ground the challenge of repairing the wounded land was even greater perhaps than what the dwarves were dealing with below it. Everywhere one looked the Halvon Sana was a withered, despoiled landscape. The forests that still existed had with hearts of evil and rage. The beasts that had not been slaughtered were hungry, desperate and tortured. Even the soil was befouled with blood and unimaginable horrors and nothing grew but thicket and weed. To heal the land, two houses of elves agreed to move into the wastelands and begin the long, slow process of reinvigorating the land.

The noble house of Essoli was the first group to arrive and they settled in the largest forest and began by cutting away the black heart of the forest and planting new trees and their place. These new trees were given voice and mobility to aid the elves in caring for the trees and keeping track of outsiders and evil influences. The first of these trees was Simasttin and she became strong and a fierce protector of the forests. Her power soon grew so strong that she was able to develop powers unforeseen by the elves and thoroughly fearsome to any force that sought to harm the woods or her children. After only a few decades the Tree Spirits were strong enough to protect the land without elvish assistance.

Essoli and his house then began to order the great wood and to create cities and roads deep under the green canopy. The great Woodland Realm soon stretched for over one hundred leagues in all directions. Inside that forest, great bastions of power and learning were established and the Woodland Realm became a destination for all elves to visit and learn and socialize.

The second house to arrive was the house of Galdral and her court. This smaller group was much more inclined to roam the land and came to the area for freedom and an opportunity to direct the oversight of such a large area. This group split into numerous small family units and spread across the land. Always working and always moving. In a short amount of time they purged much evil from the land and tamed the destruction, but often failed to wholly do either completely and the land outside of the Great Woodland Realm of Essoli became wild and rustic and touched with beauty. It was also savage and dangerous and full of hidden perils.

The house of Galdral had dealings with the dwarves of Zikkim and more with the Highlanders of Kappan, the last remnants of the good men of the empire that had retreated into the mountains to escape the Necromancer. Together these four factions lived a solitary life in the Halvon Sana. Few, other than elves seeking the Woodland Realm, ventured into the region as there was little to be gained for honest travelers and settlers, and those that sought power or escape were often run out or dealt with harshly by the Rangers of Galdral’s house led by Edrahendrion.

For many years the Halvon Sana recuperated. Wild things thrived, good and beauty grew and great evils festered undiscovered.